Khanmigo Teacher Tools in Canvas

Khanmigo Teacher Tools in Canvas

Los Rios has made the AI powered feature, Khanmigo, available in Canvas. This feature includes teacher tools that can be used to help with course prep and other tasks to allow more flexibility in your schedule. Note: this is a Faculty only feature.

Step-by-Step Installation Instructions

The Teacher Guide: How to use the Khanmigo Teacher Tools in my Canvas account?, includes Step-by-Step instructions for Installing Khanmigo in your course, and a video demonstrating the process.

  1. Login to a course from your Canvas Dashboard or select a course from the Courses menu on your Canvas Global Navigation menu.
  1. Click the Settings tab within that course.
  1. Click the Navigation tab within the Settings.
  1. Click and drag the Khanmigo Teacher Tools tile into the visible section.
    Note: Khanmigo Teacher Tools will never be visible for your students, even when visible on your on your Canvas teacher account.
  1. Click Save at the bottom of the Navigation list.
  1. Now you will see the Khanmigo Teacher Tools on your Canvas Course Navigation menu! Click on it to complete the final steps.
  1. Log into an existing Khan Academy account, or sign up for a new Khan Academy account.
    • Sign in with a current Khan Academy account, or choose New Account and enter your ARC email.
    • Look in your ARC email account for a message from Khan Academy <>.
    • Follow the link to create a password for your new account.
  1. Once you are logged into a Khan Academy account, you are all set! Enjoy the Khanmigo Teacher Tools!
  1. To use the Khanmigo Teacher Tools in Canvas, click on the entry in the Course Navigation.
  • The Khanmigo dashboard will display all the tools in alphabetical order, but you can also select to view tools by functional area: Plan, Create, Differentiate, Support, or Learn. 
  • On the Khanmigo dashboard, you can star a Khanmigo Teacher Tool to have it show in your list of favorites, similar to the way you star a class in the Canvas list of courses to have it display on your Canvas dashboard.
  • Two of the Teacher Tools of interest from colleagues: Make it Relevant! & Rubric Generator


There are a number of helpful resources available. Here are a few we recommend:

For More Information and Support