Accessibility Series: YouTube-Create/Upload a Video from your Phone and Create/Edit the Closed Captions

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

ITC Training Room

cell phone plus YouTube iconWith a personal Google account (not our Google apps account) you can create a YouTube channel to host your instructional videos, and use the automatic syncing tool to edit the closed captions for your videos prior to publishing to the web or embedding in the Learning Management System, D2L.

Come to this workshop and create a YouTube channel, upload a cellphone video, edit the captions, and explore the options for embedding in D2L.

Please know your personal Gmail account username and password (personal Gmail not the LosRios apps account) when you come to the workshop. If you don’t have a personal Google account, please create one prior to attending the workshop.

You can reserve a spot by registering below up to 24 hours prior to the start of the session.

Facilitator: Alice Dieli

Flex Credit: 1 hour

This event meets State Guideline B: Staff Development, in-service training, and instructional improvement.

This event supports ARC Focus Areas 2.1: Increase faculty and staff development activities to improve teaching and learning effectiveness, with particular emphasis on basic skills, distance education, and culturally responsive instruction.

This event supports ISLO 3: Utilize a variety of methods to communicate effectively.


Registration is closed for this event.