Date/Time: Tuesday, July 18, 2017
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
ITC Training Room
Whether for instructional information or to welcome your students, using video it is a great way to engage your online students. The Camtasia application allows you to create closed caption videos that can include your own voice and face, music, still pictures, screen shots, and screen captures, upload them to a server, and then embed them in your online course. During this workshop, participants will work on a PC and plan, record, edit, caption, and produce a welcome video to use in their classes, so bring your ideas and if you have some images that are appropriate to your class, you can use those, too.
Registration is limited, so register early, plan to stay the entire time, and if you need to cancel, please let us know so we can make room for others.
This event meets State PD Guidelines A, B & C; ARC Goals & Objectives 2.1 & 5.3; and ISLOs 1, 2 & 5.
Flex credit: 3 hours
Registration is closed for this event.