ITC Video Tools #2: Record Your PowerPoint

Date/Time: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

ITC Training Room

So you already have a PowerPoint presentation, or you are going to create one, but you want to break out and engage your students with video? It’s easy. Just add your voice to the PowerPoint and save it as a video! In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to convert your slide show to a video with the tools already in your software!

Creating video presentations, especially for your online courses, is incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by adding yet another way to present your materials. Varying your teaching resources is just one principle of UDL that is proven to increase student persistence in your courses. It enriches many of our students’ educational experience by appealing to visual and aural learning styles.

Please register to reserve your place.

Presenter: Leslie Reeves, Universal Design for Learning Coordinator


Flex Credit: 1.5 hours

This activity meets ARC Strategic Goal 3 Exemplary Teaching, Learning, and Working Environment and Goal 4 Vibrancy and Resiliency; ARC ISLOs 1, 2, & 5; and State PD Guidelines A, B, & C.



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