Register now for Fall 2017 Professional Development – OTI & OEI
Registration starts tomorrow, May 11, 2017, for both the ARC Online Teaching Institute and the ARC OEI Rubric Academy.
The ARC Online Teaching Institute (OTI) for Fall 2017 is a nine-session institute scheduled from September 1, 2017 through November 17, 2017. The ARC Online Teaching Institute (OTI) helps to prepare instructors for teaching online through exploration and hands-on demonstrations of effective practices in online instruction. There will be two sections: a hybrid section and an online section. The hybrid section includes five mandatory on-campus sessions on Friday mornings from 9 AM to 12 PM in the Instructional Technology Center Training Room. The online section follows the same calendar, however all of the sessions take place online. Read all about the schedule, registration requirements, and prerequisites on the ARC Online Teaching Institute webpage.
The ARC OEI Rubric Academy is a five-session academy scheduled from August 16, 2017 (flex week) through December 1, 2017. During this academy, attendees will participate in hands-on creation of an engaging and quality online learning environment for their students. Participants will learn how to effectively align their course to the Online Education Initiative (OEI) Course Design Rubric. At the successful conclusion of the academy, participants can become an OEI Rubric mentor for their department and/or area and receive a stipend for their efforts. Read all about the schedule, registration requirements, and activities on the ARC OEI Rubric Academy webpage.
Registrations for both of these opportunities fill-up quickly, so register early to save your seat.