Canvas Courses- Available Now for Exploration

District IT has created a trial installation of Canvas for testing by those who want to learn more about this LMS. If you are interested, Send an email to Ken Cooper at the District Office to request your Canvas sanbox!


With a Canvas account, you will have access to a Canvas Instructor Orientation and the Canvas Commons area for sharing information and downloading prepared resources.

Free Self-Paced Online Training is available now through @One.

Heard in the ITC- Canvas


Question: What is CANVAS?

Answer: Canvas has been adopted the California Community College Online Education Initiative (OEI) as the Common Course Management System (CCMS). Canvas is being offered to all California Community Colleges along with multiple levels of integrated student services.


Question: Does LMS and CMS refer to the same thing?

Answer: Canvas is usually called a Course Management System (CMS). Within the OEI, Canvas is referred to as the CCMS. We usually refer to D2L as our LMS, Learning Management System. In this context, both CMS and LMS refer to the system which hosts online courses.


Question: Is ARC going to use Canvas?

Answer: After surveying our students and faculty, the district LMS workgroup, including ARC staff and faculty, has voted to make a recommendation to the District Academic Senate to consider participating in the OEI and adopting Canvas as our LMS. We will continue to post information as we receive it.


YouTube – Host your own Videos & Create Closed Captions


·        Make a video with your phone

·        Send it to YouTube

·        Add Closed Captions


Do it all during this workshop!

Register to save your space, and follow the instructions to set up your personal Gmail/YouTube account.


Attend the workshop:

Register (space is limited) and create your personal Gmail account with YouTube channel

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: ITC Training Room