Canvas – 3 Different Workshops

Canvas Panda

Three types of Canvas Workshops are being offered at multiple times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at noon; Friday mornings, Saturday mornings, and Monday evenings! Start planning now and pre-register at the ITC website workshops page so an appropriate workshop Canvas shell can be created for you.

  1. Canvas Quick Start, 1-hour, workshops will be offered by the ITC beginning Tuesday, September 20, 2016! Please note that you will need to register 48 hours in advance so that a Canvas workshop shell can be created for you. The Canvas Quick Start is a 1-hour, hands-on workshop designed to familiarize you with Canvas navigation and frequently used tools.
  2. Canvas Course Creation, 3-hour, workshops will be held on most Friday mornings beginning Friday, September 23, 2016; the 1st Saturday morning in October, November, and December; and the 1st Monday evening in October, November, and December. Please note that you will need to register 48 hours in advance so that a Canvas workshop shell can be created for you. The Canvas Course Creation workshop is a 3-hour, hands-on workshop during which you will export a prepared D2L site, import the site into Canvas, and learn how to customize the learning environment for your course content. (You must have attended a Canvas Quick Start workshop or be actively using Canvas prior to registering for this workshop.)
  3. Canvas Fine-Tuning Consultations will be a 1-hour individual appointment with a member of the ITC staff to review your Canvas Spring 2017 course shell, beginning on October 25. Registration will be opening after the Spring 2017 Canvas courses are available.


More information and links to register for individual events are available at the ITC website workshops page. You must pre-register for each individual workshop so a workshop shell can be created for you.


D2L to Canvas-Transition Timeline


Transition Timeline (yes, you can use D2L until December 2017)

Fall 2016: Instructors will use D2L and can also attend training and request Canvas sandboxes for development.

Spring 2017: Instructors can use Canvas or D2L for their courses.

Summer 2017: Instructors can use Canvas or D2L for their courses.

Fall 2017: Instructors can use Canvas or D2L for their courses. NOTE: This is the final semester for using D2L and for accessing D2L courses; instructors should export any courses remaining in D2L before the end of the semester!!

Spring 2018: All courses will be available only in Canvas. D2L courses will not be available.

You can start playing with Canvas now in your own Canvas sandbox! Request your sandbox by sending an email to Shannon Mendez, Adjunct Distance Ed Coordinator at ARC.

Keep watching for more Canvas information

Canvas at the Instructional Technology Center


D2L: Still available through Fall 2017 semester

D2L Image

Would you like to upload your syllabus for students to access 24/7? Are you looking for a place for students to see their course grades 24/7?

You can still use D2L now to provide web-based resources for students.

If you have questions, the answers might be found in the ARC D2L Handbook at the ITC website. Or, stop by the ITC during one of the three weekly drop-in sessions:

Tuesday 1:30 to 3 AM
Wednesday 9:30 to 11 AM
Friday 1 to 3 PM

You can also email us at:


ARC has joined 90+ other California Community Colleges in the process of adopting Canvas as our new CMS (Course Management System).

The flexible timeline allows individual instructors to begin using Canvas for students in the Spring 2017 semester and all courses will be offered on Canvas in the Spring 2018 semester. D2L will no longer be available after the Fall 2017 semester ends.


The ITC is prepping for Fall semester workshops and the schedule will be announced in a weekly email and posted on the ITC Canvas page.

You can start playing with Canvas now in your own Canvas sandbox! Request your course by sending an email to Shannon Mendez, Adjunct Distance Ed Coordinator at ARC.


Keep watching for more Canvas information

D2L: Online Student Success Modules

There is a new widget in your D2L course shell this semester – Online Success. These interactive tutorials are from the Online Education Initiative and are very helpful for students who may be struggling in the online environment. Check them out – they are fabulous.

Please note that the four links at the bottom of the widget were changed over the summer.

Here are the new links:


online success