Category Archives: Canvas

We are excited to announce that all instructors now have access to the official Canvas instance. All your spring 2017 course sections have been automatically created for you, plus an equal number of development courses. Since there are some changes between Canvas and D2L, please read the current ITC ARC Canvas Updates. You can save the link – the ITC will continually update this document during the Canvas transition. If you need any assistance, please email or come to one of our drop-in labs.

JUST ADDED! Canvas How To: Assignments and Grading – X2


New Canvas Workshops– Assignments and Grading

Hands-on opportunity to learn how to create assignments, rubrics, quizzes, and graded discussions; enter grades and provide feedback using the SpeedGrader™.

Register now for Friday, December 2, 2016, 10 to 11:30 AM or Friday Dec 9, 2016, 10 to 11:30 AM

Workshops are held in the ITC Conference Room and pre-registration is required.


Got Panda?


Do you have your Panda yet? They are slowly making their way through the campus, one by one, showing up in offices and labs. You have a chance to win one for yourself (or a friend) at the ITC Canvas workshops*. Registration is open on the ITC website. See the schedule for college hours, Friday mornings, Saturday mornings, and Monday evenings.

Register now and reserve your spot! There are spaces left in 20 weekdayevening, or weekend workshops.

Join a one-hour Quick Start and three-hour Course Creation workshop.

* A Canvas Panda is given away at each workshop.