Category Archives: Canvas

Canvas Fest #1

Canvas Fest #1

Hello Canvas Instructors!

*We want to hear from you!

As an early adopter of Canvas, you have charted the great unknown of a new LMS. You have dealt with enrollment challenges and a few other snags in the system, but you are also learning how to work effectively and efficiently in Canvas.

We invite you to this informal session where you will have an opportunity to tell us what’s working well and what’s not. You will also get a chance to share your tips and tricks, and to give advice to instructors who will be adopting Canvas next semester.

When: February 14, 3:00-4:30 PM (come when you can)
Where: Instructional Technology Center (ITC) Training Room
Valentine’s Day snacks served

*Start the conversation now on the CanvasFest1 Google Doc
Add your comments/suggestions under the various topics and please add your name so colleagues can contact you with questions and updates!

Show recent Announcements on your course Home page in Canvas!

Use the Settings menu > Course Details tab > scroll down to More Options to Set # of Announcements (don’t forget to select Update Course Details)


Latest from LRCCD – Canvas People list and OGS rosters:

Canvas rosters are now being automatically synced with the OGS rosters. If you notice any discrepancies between the two rosters, please send an email to and we will be happy to help resolve the issue.

Instructors can use the Canvas roster (People) to:

  • Add users in the student role

select People>select +People> use w-id, one per line (email is not necessary)

  • To Remove Users (Conclude) users

select People>click on the student’s name to view their profile>under Memberships, click the Conclude link

(If you Conclude a student in error, you can Restore them later and their work will be restored, as well.)


For more instructions and illustrations, visit the ARC Canvas Updates document at which is continually populated with the latest guidance, news, and links to training.

Canvas News!-Welcome to the ARC Spring 2017 Semester!

Canvas News
For support during this first week of Canvas use, these are some helpful resources:
·         The ARC Canvas Updates document at is continually populated with the latest guidance, news, and links to training.
·         Sign up for and attend a Facilitated Canvas Webinar (you must “Create an Account” first). Webinars on multiple topics may be attended as often as you like from now through December 31, 2017!
·         Watch for ARC trainings to be announced in the weekly ITC Training emails or see what’s available on the Workshops & Drop-In Labs schedule
·         Visit the ITC during regular Drop-In hours: Tuesday 1:30-3:30, Wednesday 9:30-11:00, and Friday 1:00-3:00.
After you login to Canvas, use the Help button at the bottom of the Global Navigation menu to access:
·         Canvas 24/7 Phone Support which connects you directly with Canvas support personnel: (916) 568-3199.
·         Search the Canvas Guides to find answers to a specific question. From there, you can also jump directly to the Canvas Instructor Guide or Video Guide for materials organized alphabetically by course feature.


Canvas instructors: Important info on multi-sections & cross-listed courses!

Canvas instructors:
If you are teaching with Canvas next semester, it is essential that you read the information below:
Multi-section courses
In Canvas, this is a manual process. The deadline to complete this is by January 4, 2017, 11:59 PM. This is for all multi-section courses even those that are OT (i.e. 8W2, 5W2, etc.).

Creating Multis and Special Groups in Canvas. NEW! Canvas calls this “Cross-Listing”

In D2L, if you request “Multis” or “Special Groups” for your courses (example: combining three ENGWR 300 courses into one course shell), you will now be doing this yourself in Canvas.
Please follow these instructions carefully, as Cross-Listing cannot be undone!
ARC Cross-Listing Instructions with screenshots – please follow these instructions carefully.

Note that ALL cross-listing must be finished 10 days prior to the beginning of the semester – even for 8-week 1 and 2; 5-week 1, 2, and 3; 5-week 1, 2 and 3; 4-week 4; or any other OT (other term) classes, that is January 4, 2017.

X-listed courses

ARC courses that are the same course but listed in two departments such as BUS 320 and ECON 320, should be automatically X-listed and you will not have to Cross-List these courses on your own. However, these have not be created yet by District IT. DOIT is working on this now and we will let you know as soon as these courses are made. We are expecting that to happen within this next week.

Student Enrollments

Students will be enrolled in all courses (even OT courses) 7 days before the start date of the semester (January 7, 2017)
The instructions above and more can be found at The ITC is updating this document as we receive new information and updates.

These are some sites from Canvas that will provide even more information:

All Canvas Guides – Find Answers!

Canvas Instructor Guide

Canvas Student Guide

Canvas Video Guide – sorted by Audience

Thanks and have a wonderful winter break.

The ITC Staff